
5 Things to Consider When Visiting a Display Home

Are you in the process of deciding whether to build or buy a new home? Or are you tired of seeing the ‘for sale’ signs in your neighborhood, and you’re ready to solidify your own future? Finding a new home can be a challenge for the most experienced real estate agents, so looking for a home on your own can feel almost impossible at the best of times. One way people look for a new home is by attending openings at display homes throughout their communities.

While this sounds like an easy feat to manage, making sure you know what you’re looking for when viewing display homes is essential to finding the home of your dreams. If you plan on viewing display homes to end your search for the perfect place for you and your family to live, then keep reading to learn precisely what you should know to succeed in your journey toward homeownership.

You Have to Know What Your Budget Is


Before you even step foot onto the stunning hardwood floors of your local display home, you must plan out and know your budget. It’s unbelievably easy to walk into one of the display homes, wanting everything you see but not being able to purchase whatever you want. It goes without saying that display homes can be gorgeous, but they can also come with a substantial price tag if you’re not paying close attention.

Knowing how much you have to spend beforehand will save you from debating between getting rid of the kitchen island or the swimming pool, which no one wants to be forced to do. If you’re planning on visiting display homes, save yourself from the angst of regret and understand precisely how much money you have to spend ahead of time.

Find a Reputable Building Company

One of the most critical steps you need to take before visiting any of the display homes in your community is researching on the internet. If you’re looking at something other than reputable companies, you’re wasting your time, and you’ll end up wasting your money in the long run. There are a couple of things to find a reputable builder in your local area:

  1. You can research the internet to find reviews about companies in your local area. What your community has to say about potential builders is extremely important, and their voices should ring loudly in your decision-making process. If there are many negative reviews about a particular company, you should steer clear at all costs.
  2. You can also ask your friends and family if they have recommendations for reputable builders who create display homes in your local area. The people closest to you would always steer you in the right direction, so finding out if your aunt or cousin has any good recommendations could be extremely helpful to your search.
  3. According to Forbes, comparing different builders and performing research with the Better Business Bureau are essential when looking for reputable builders.

A reputable company should be able to provide a portfolio and references when you ask, so make sure to do this at display homes when given the opportunity. Remember to listen to your community peers, and you should have no issue finding the perfect company for the job.

Understand Your Needs and Wants


When you walk into a display home, there is a good chance you will be blown away by the incredible architecture or magnificent add-ons that the home provides. Because of the risk of purchasing more of a home than you need or spending more money than you are comfortable with, assessing your needs versus wants is vital before visiting a display home.

Before making the visit, sit down to make a list of your wants and needs. You want to ensure that you look for a home that includes most, if not all, of your needs and, if you’re lucky, many of your wants. When sitting in the display home, reflect on your list to see if what you’re seeing is something you should purchase according to your needs. If the home isn’t what you’re looking for, you must pick up your belongings and move on to the next house on your list.

Customer Service is Key

No one wants to be ignored or mistreated while shopping, but this is especially true regarding making such a large purchase as a home. When visiting display homes, there is typically someone there who offers tours of the house and answers any questions that may come up from potential buyers. It is their job to inform buyers of the display home to get them to purchase it.

This means they should have impeccable customer service because they represent the company building the house. If this person isn’t working up to the professional standards they are held to, then that might reflect the company they work for. You want professionals building your home, and that professionalism should start when you walk through the door of the display home they’re trying to sell.

Choosing the Right Time


There is a right time to purchase a new lawnmower and a perfect time to buy a new home. When visiting a display home during weekend hours, you have a high potential for running into many people doing the same. This results in a fight for the salesperson’s attention, which means less one-on-one time for you and your questions. If you’d like an attentive salesperson to give you answers to important questions, then attending display homes during the week would be more helpful in your search.

Attending display homes can be a fun adventure for anyone, but it is a serious venture for those interested in buying a home. Following these simple steps will have you inside the home of your dreams before you can say ‘sunroom.’ So what are you waiting for? Start doing your research for reputable builders in your local area right now. After all, you will have your dream house once you take the first step!

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