
Why Startups Must Use Intranet Portal to Engage With Remote Teams

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 virus is still raging in a lot of countries across the globe, which is why a lot of people still have to work remotely. Now, large and medium organizations might have a suitable strategy that’ll keep all of their employees connected, but with startups, this might not be the case. This is why small companies should consider using Intranets.

If you’re an owner of a startup, you might be wondering – why should I use an Intranet portal to engage with my remote teams? Luckily for all people that are asking themselves the same thing, the article below can help. Before we take a look at why you should use these platforms, let’s first learn what they are:

Intranet Portal: Explained

We are all well aware of how miscommunication can cause various problems within an organization. After all, when each of the team members operates remotely, they might forget to share important data or files, something that could easily lead to some huge errors that could easily cause your new business to close.

This is why you should strongly consider using Intranet portals. An Intranet is a private, online network that will feature everything your team members need to remain connected. Basically, it’s a place where your staff can communicate, as well as view and share different files and information.

A reliable and innovative platform such as AgilityPortal offers your employees a wide range of features, one that can allow them to access the info they need from any location. Having a place where they can view the latest and most accurate information will help them complete tasks and projects easily.

So, Why Should I Choose to Use it?


There are various reasons why you should choose to use these innovative online interfaces within your organization. Some of the most beneficial things that these innovative programs will provide you with are the following:

1. Quick And Simple Information Sharing

It doesn’t really matter that you just started your company, there is probably a lot of data that you need to store and share with your employees. In most situations, companies store their information across a lot of platforms such as email, sheets, drives, and apps, and remembering all this information can be a complex task.

However, if you choose to use an Intranet portal, you’ll make it extremely easy for your staff to access, view, and share the things they need. By sharing data over these private, online networks, you can ensure that you improve the communication between your staff members, which can lower the number of mistakes made.

2. Staff Onboarding Will Never Be Easier


If you use a single platform for accessing, extracting, and sharing data, you’ll make staff onboarding quicker, they’ll be able to retain the data left by previous employees without any issues, and more importantly, you’ll be capable of sharing old information with new employees easily.

When you give new employees access to all the crucial data, it can help them adjust to their new job position and their productivity will also be increased. All of these things will help them improve their confidence as well, meaning that they could provide better services and deliveries.

3. It’ll Feature Beneficial Apps

Schedule trackers, vacation management, productivity tracker, calendar, and employees finder are apps that your organization needs every day. Though most startups overlook using these beneficial applications, they shouldn’t, especially since they can provide them with a competitive edge.

If you opt for using a secured Intranet network, you’ll be capable of tracking your staff’s leaves, project schedules, and so on. A platform that’ll allow you to gather feedback and work with your staff will improve the collaboration within your company, mostly because data will be shared in real-time.

4. Improved Communication + Engagement


A high-quality portal will help you present important content to your staff, no matter if it is a blog post, messages from the owner, or an advertising strategy. In fact, these platforms can present better features than using an email, mostly because they’ll have customized templates and editors your team can use for creating compelling pages.

This means that these networks can help your employees create various pages and templates, build suitable content, talk with each other, share news and updates within the organization, and they can also easily complete all their daily tasks. All of these things will help you with creating a remote workplace, one that’ll bring all the crucial data to one place.

5. Being Transparent is The Key to Success

You might not know this, but, over 85 percent of people prefer working for an organization that is transparent with their employees. If this is something you’re striving to do, you should know that this portal could help you create a transparent working environment for your staff members.

After all, you’ll be giving them equal opportunities and access to the information circulating within your company, so, if you allow them to see it, it’ll build greater transparency. This is something that is extremely important, especially if you started your company remotely.

6. It’ll Keep Your Data Safe


We all know the importance of keeping confidential data safe, and with all these internal and external threats that could compromise such data, using a private network is the safest way to go. The portal you’ll use is a private and closed network that’ll protect your company from unauthorized users, and with this platform, your remote workers and their project data will be safe.


Although most startups overlook using Intranet portals, they shouldn’t, especially since there are various benefits that they can provide. Besides allowing your team to easily access and share data, it can also provide them with useful apps, all of which can improve the communication and engagement of your remote teams.

So, now that you’re aware of all the reasons why you should start using these online, private platforms, you shouldn’t lose any more of your time. Instead, open up a new search tab, and start browsing through different Intranet portal options in order to find one that’ll suit your requirements.

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