
Oh! You Can See Me? Install Security Systems to See the Invisible

When we think and have a concern about securing and protecting our homes and family, what comes to your mind at first? The first thought is to secure the front and backyard door and all the windows of the other floors because we think that burglars first consider these opening points while planning an invasion but what about the basement and its security?

We never think of it because we all think that this area is lower ground and the burglars cannot be aware of it. While we think that basement is an obstruction for the burglars but on the other hand, burglars make your basement their entry point. People may think that basements are hidden but the reality is entirely opposite. It is the most important point to secure so we all need to secure our basement windows.

Even when we install security systems at our homes, we don’t think about basement windows. We prioritize other windows over it and this is where the intruders take benefit. They make their way from the bushes and reach the basement window.

They often hide behind the bushes to perfectly hide them. Basement is the intruder’s favorite place because that area is mostly not consumed by the individuals. Intruders often make their way from the basement, hide there and then make the entry to the central area of the house at the right time.

Ways to secure the basement

  • Physical way
  • Trim your plants

So the first step you can take for securing your basement is to timely trim all the bushes, plants, and trees near your basement. This is because large bushes and trees provide a safe point for intruders to hide. They wait for the right time to make an entry into the house while sitting behind the stem of that big tree or bushes.

1. Don’t keep it dark

Source: behance.net

Intruders love to enter dark places because it makes them hide. Now, just think for the minute that which area of our homes is rarely lit? We all know that the answer is the basement area. It is rarely used because people mostly consider it a storage area. They hardly visit that area.

Most of the people have constructed pools in the basement area so they only come and check that area in summers. Try to light up that area for some time daily at night so it gives an impression to the intruder that the basement is causally used by the residents. This may make them conscious of not making entry through basement video.

2. Placement of furniture

Source: pdmrx.top

Further, never place furniture near the basement window as it can provide an easy entry to the burglar. They will securely land on that piece of furniture and will make a comfortable entry into your house. Keep your furniture far away from the windows so that intruders don’t find a space to land. In case, they make a jump then the voice of their footsteps will be definitely prominent.

3. Smart way

Source: redlotusletter.com

Above were the very basic ways to secure the basement area but here we will talk about the smart ways that will help us in getting rid of intruders at a fast pace without making any effort. All we have to do is to select a reliable company and install home security systems and automated gadgets.

This act will benefit us in the long run. It is a technologically oriented way. All of us use the internet every day; in fact, our daily activities have started depending on it. Our security system will assist us in getting notified about all the activities happening in our house through smartphone notifications. Below are some gadgets that can help us in saving our entire house from being a victim of intruders.

4. Installation of smart lights

Source: lampenwelt.de

Try to install smart lights in the basement area as well as the other areas of the house. You can schedule the timings of the smart lights but don’t keep it doomed for the entire night as it can give a signal to the intruders that the basement is not used.

5. Add on sensors

Source: insight-egypt.com

Install window sensors on the basement windows as well as all the other windows of the house. How will they help you out? This step will benefit you by making an alarming sound when the intruder will try to make an entry through that window. As soon as they will try to move the window, the alarming loud voice will make you aware of the intruder’s arrival. The sound will make you cautious and you will have some time to call cops.

6. Sound detectors

Source: hackster.io

Detectors are formed with a sharp sense of recognizing the movements. Their installation will ease your home security task. They will detect the unusual voice that is not commonly experienced by the detector on daily basis. The control panel of your security system will instantly send you the notification on your mobile phone to go and check that why this suspicious sound is being felt. See it here.

7. Installation of cameras

Source: reolink.com

Install the cameras that cover your outer area of the house as well as your basement. This way the camera security will let us know that someone is trying to make an entry through the basement window. The smart system will also notify us if we forget to shut the window.

So, we can see that how the security systems are connected with the control panel that saves every aspect of our house. Security systems provide us protection in a smart way by securing every window and door.

These gadgets are the best technological advancements as they have instilled peace in the lives of people. The daily news related to burglaries and crime is enough to scare us all. Many of us are in continuous worry when we leave our family behind while going to work. The cases of crime are increasing rapidly and the sense of insecurity has made us all conscious about safety.

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