
How Long Does It Take To Write a Good College Essay?

We all know how important it is to write a good essay if you want to leave a good impression on the parties concerned. What we have here today is some bits of advice on how you should write a perfect essay and long do you need for it.

The first thing to get out of the way is the duration. This is something you shouldn’t concern yourself with much. Everyone has their own pace and this is a highly individual thing. As we all know perfection shouldn’t be rushed with. Take your time doing this essay and try to incorporate as much of the advice we are about to give you.

Every essay has to have a few things in it to make it perfect in every sense possible. Rushing things and throwing in everything will only come to the fact that you will end up with a mediocre product that might not fly as good as you thought it would. The essay should be a presentation of not only your ideas but also of ideas that you acquired over time and which prove that you understand the subject.

With that in mind let’s start with some tips on how to do it successfully and if you, at any point, see that you need additional help you can always turn to a place like edubirdie and they will provide the answers you need.

1. Plan your essay


Every essay needs a plan, meaning you have to plan how many units is your essay going to have. A good plan will not only help you easily write this but it will also help you in time management if you are concerned about deadlines or the time you have available to complete this successfully.

The plan is about you gathering all of the best ideas for the essay and saving them, they shouldn’t be written immediately and we will explain later why. With the proper planning, you will know when and what to write about at any point. You have to have a beginning and the end of your essay while the middle part will be divided into paragraphs or units that are going to show the reader you know what you are talking about.

2. Balance


In every essay, balance is of the utmost importance. This means that your essay has to have paragraphs where you will discuss the pros and cons of the topic, or you can divide them into your main pros and cons about the topic and the other part can be subsidiary pros and cons on the subject.

You have to have a balance between these but a good balance is only achieved if you make a good introduction. Believe it or not, the intro is as important as the entire topic development later on. If you do not set the topic well for your reader, you just might lose them right at the beginning. This means that it doesn’t matter what you write from then on if the intro was bad and unable to tie to the rest of your essay.

3. The crunch


This is the most important part of your essay and here you have to be very concise and precise. This part of your essay can be either one or more paragraphs or units and here you have to utilize all of your best ideas from the plan. Here is the part where you utilize all of those best ideas for the essay from the planning part. This is where they come into play. This is where you start to establish that some of your points in previous paragraphs are maybe not some of the points you agree with.

Here you can also choose to add some of your special bit of information, and that right there is so important because this right here will be vital to your essay and for you to get the best possible feedback. Another thing to consider, at least from the time needed, is that this is supposed to be your longest paragraph. Here you need to back up all of your facts with good quotations, it is supposed to be a paragraph, or more, where you will present your argument for the topic in a clever, logical, ordered way.

4. The conclusion


Where most essay writers manage to make a mistake, given that they have done good with everything previously, is here at the end, the conclusion. Most tend to conclude from other parts of the essay which is a big mistake. They also tend to summarize the entire essay in this part and that too is a mistake. What this last part of the conclusion part should be is a natural follow-up of the Crunch part of your essay.

Try to keep the conclusion part of the essay as simple as possible and do exactly what it says – draw a brief but spot-on conclusion on what you were writing about the entire time. Most mistakes also come from the fact that many essay writers tend to start discussions here and if you tend to do just that well, then you might as well start a whole other essay again. To save on time do not add anything new to your conclusion, simply and naturally close the essay by making a simple yet smart conclusion drawn from the discussion and you are set.

So, finally here is everything you need for a perfect essay from the technical and time-consuming side. You have to know that you will be setting your own time needed for an essay and you can do it with a good plan.

Do not rush yourself and do not set limits that you can’t fulfil, it will only lead to failure.

Have your paragraphs set up in your mind and plan accordingly your time. Be aware that the Crunch part of your essay will probably take the most time and that you have to put all of yourself in. the intro and conclusion parts should be concise and they are the places where you can save up some time. Take things slow and plan good, you shouldn’t have a problem.

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