Has advanced technology changed the mentality and mindset of people? The answer to that question is – yes. People are no longer spending their free time in the same way. Most people would rather spend their free time at the home watching movies, listening to music, or chatting on social media. However, these activities can sometimes become monotonous. Because of that, people are looking for something more entertaining.
Gambling is one of the favorite activities among a large group of people. Despite entertainment, people get the chance to make money even while they are relaxing. Unfortunately, reaching that goal is not easy. There are a couple of things you need to pay attention to.
For starters, you need to improve your gambling skills. Despite skills, you also need to improve your self-control. Playing while you are nervous or raising the wagers with no need can bring you additional problems.
In the end, choosing the best possible online casino is mandatory. You need to find those casinos that will meet all your requirements and expectations.
So, what does that mean? It means that you need to find a gambling site that will offer attractive bonuses and promotions that will make your gambling journey easy. Additionally, you also need to check out the reputation that your gambling site has. It is the topic we would like to discuss in this article.
The entire gambling industry is turbulent. Some online casinos got involved in different scandals and controversies that ruined their reputation completely. You should not feel sorry for those gambling operators as they all wanted to trick their customers.
Your duty is to research the scandals and know which online casinos you should avoid. However, the good news is that we did that for you. In this article, we will talk about online casino scandals and controversies that you should know. Let’s go!
Online Casino Skandal on Black Friday

This scandal happened 10 years ago, on April 11th. As you know, Black Friday is a special day for all Americans. People around the globe started to celebrate the same day. That is the reason why many shops are offering some decent discounts on that day. Things are not different when we talk about promotions that online casinos offer.
However, on April 11, 2011, something truly strange happened. Three different gambling sites were the main characters. Those three online casinos were Full Tilt Poker, Poker Stars, and Absolute Poker. However, they were not the only ones as 10 or 11 other defendants got involved as well, but their names were not that popular in the mainstream media.
Anyway, their dishonest work damaged a big number of American citizens. Because of that, the Department of Justice announced guilty all of these online casinos. They had to refund all the money that their customers had on their website.
So, what do you think? Did they manage to do that? Well, the only casino that managed to do that is Poker Stars. They gave more than 730 million dollars to solve this problem. Believe it or not, Poker Stars even accepted to refund the money to some of the Full Tilt Poker customers as well.
Unfortunately, the entire procedure was not that easy. American citizens had to wait for many months (or even years) until they got their money. There were thousands of requests, and the Department of Justice needed a lot of time to put into consideration all of them.
Anyway, Absolute Poekr as well as Full Tilt Poker couldn’t improve their reputation at all. That is the reason why they stopped working a couple of months after the scandal became a number one subject in mainstream media.
However, this Isn’t the First Scandal of Full Tilt Poker

Let’s say a few more words about Full Tilt Poker as their history is turbulent a lot. The casino started to work in 2004, and it was the creation of five extremely professional poker players. People could enjoy a wide range of poker variations such as Texas Holdem, Draw Poker, and others. The minimal bet people could make there were just .01 blinds. The idea of the creators was to make it accessible to everyone.
Tournaments at this gambling site were organized often. You could participate in one every three months.
As the matter of fact, all those tournaments were hosted by a professional poker player. That was probably the reason why the website became too popular.
As mentioned, they stopped working in 2011 because of the scandal. Yet, that was not the first mistake that they made. Only 5 years before that, one of their main supported brought a lawsuit against them. The reason why she did that is pretty simple to understand – she didn’t get the portion of the ownership rights.
Many gambling experts of today say it was the first sign that Full Tilt will not work too long. After the scandal they had on Black Friday, all of the supporters left them, including the most loyal ones. Because of that, this online casino no longer exists.
So, How to Recognize a Reliable Gambling Site?

There is a big mistake that people often make. They start to become suspicious when they see a gambling site that does not have a lot of customers. All the casinos that we mentioned had a big number of active customers. Because of that, this is not a factor that you should follow.
Primarily, you need to research the casino history. Despite that, you must chase the fully transparent casinos. For example, you should have the opportunity to know more about the owners. Many scammers hide behind the name of the gambling site they run. By knowing this, you can also know whether the owner (or owners) are honest people without any scandals.
Another thing you have to do is to read the reviews provided by gambling experts. People that write reviews will research every single detail of a gambling site they recommend. For instance, check out the Raging Blue Casino review after reading this article. When you read all the information you can find there, would it be easier to make the decision? Gaining reliable information is the key! Gamble only at those online casinos that have a good reputation.