Messaging apps are a dime a dozen nowadays, especially with the rise of Facebook’s own WhatsApp, the most popular messaging app on the planet. The problem now is how to make a messenging app without Facebook’s permission. Icydk has steps with screenshots to show you how to do that and create your own Messenger without Facebook.
Messenger has been a great platform to connect with your family and friends, but has it been hindering you from making money? Well, the answer is yes, it has. The app has been designed to gather as much details about you as possible, and as a result, it has been a great tool for Facebook to go after advertisers. This has been causing a lot of problems for those who have tried to make money using the app, making it a less appealing tool. So, here are 4 steps you can follow to create a messenger app on your own, without Facebook.
Messenger and the like are great for keeping in touch with friends, family, and colleagues, but while there are dozens of apps that offer similar services, it’s hard to find a single platform that is as easy to use or has as many features. There are several apps that claim to solve this problem, but most of them require you to set up your account on Facebook. This is fine if you have a Facebook account, but it’s a hassle for people who have no Facebook account and no desire to set one up. What can you do?. Read more about messenger login without facebook and let us know what you think.While not everyone needs a Facebook account, users should definitely install Facebook Messenger and use this popular messaging service. A few years ago, Facebook didn’t have this need, and it was easy to sign up and set up Messenger with a simple phone number. However, this option is being phased out. So how do you use the Messenger app without a Facebook account if you’ve left Facebook or never succumbed to the craze? Here’s everything you need to know.
Can I set up Messenger without Facebook?
You can now only use Messenger if you have a Facebook account, or if you previously had one but deactivated it. This means you can still use Messenger if you haven’t completely deleted your account. And it’s this condition that users can exploit to install Messenger without having a Facebook account. Just create a new temporary Facebook account, connect it to Messenger, and then deactivate the shell account.
Setting up messenger with Facebook account disabled
To use Messenger with your Facebook account disabled, simply open the Messenger application and enter the phone number and password associated with your Facebook account. On the next screen, tap Enable to allow Messenger to access your contacts. You can also set Messenger as your default SMS program to keep all your chats in one place. Your Messenger application is now configured for a disabled Facebook account.
Setting up Messenger without an active Facebook account

If you’ve never had a Facebook account before (or if you’ve permanently deleted one), there are three steps to setting up the Messenger application.
Step 1: Creating an account
Open the Messenger application and click Create a new account. The Facebook mobile website will open, where you must enter your full name and click OK. Enter the telephone number and press OK. Choose a password and click the Save button. Confirm your phone number and your Facebook account will be created. Skip all other actions, such as adding profile information, photos or friends.
Step 2: Setting up Facebook Messenger
After you create an account on the next screen, click the Go to Messenger button. Tap Enable to allow Messenger to access your contacts. The Messenger application is now set up on your newly created Facebook Shell account.
Step 3: Deactivating account
It’s time to delete your Facebook account. It is important to understand that you should only deactivate the account, not completely destroy it. Here’s how: In the Facebook app, go to the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines). Scroll down and tap Settings and Privacy. Touch Settings. Under your Facebook information, click on Account ownership and management. Press Deactivate and Delete. If the Disable account option is selected, click Next to disable the account. Give me a reason to keep going. Scroll down the page and under Activate Account select Automatically Activate My Account: Set to not activate automatically. Then click Next. Check the Unsubscribe from future Facebook notifications box and click Unsubscribe from my account. After you deactivate your Facebook account, the following screen will appear in the Messenger application: Just click Next to continue with Messenger.
Why can I not use Messenger with one (more) phone number(s)?

As mentioned earlier, you can use Messenger with nothing more than a phone number, as you should with any Messenger utility. By simply entering your phone number and confirming, you can easily create a Messenger account. However, in 2019, Facebook removed this option, arguing that most Messenger users already have a Facebook account to log in with and that this would make things easier. The tacit disappearance of such a fundamental aspect of creating a messaging service may not be to the liking of all those who have the idea of simplification. Even if your Facebook account is disabled, you can still use Messenger. And that’s all you need to use Messenger without having an active Facebook account.Messenger, the instant messaging, social network, is hugely popular, and it got better in July. The new version has features like the ‘Secret Conversation’ feature, a place where you can send voice messages (including video) to each other, even when Facebook is not running on the recipient’s device. It is also the first chat app to integrate with WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption, which basically means that the chat can only be read by the two parties to the conversation.
Frequently asked questions
How can I make a Messenger account without Facebook?
There is a new app called Messenger that is replacing Facebook Chat as the main chat app for Facebook. This is good for many reasons, such as the ability to make your Facebook experience more private and secure, as well as the ability to make use of the cool new features in this new app. For example, the new Messenger app has a feature called Direct, where you can create a chat without using the Facebook Chat app. This means that you can chat with your friends without using Messenger, and you can also create a messenger account without being a Facebook user! Facebook’s Messenger app has been around for a few years now, and despite its popularity, a large number of people don’t know how to make an account on the service. This causes confusion when friends ask to be added on Messenger, or some new Facebook feature requires people to be signed in. Today we’ll show you the easiest way to create a Messenger account without being a Facebook member, and then explore sending messages from your new account.
Can you have messenger without Facebook 2019?
Messenger is a small application on your phone that allows you to communicate with friends through text and video. It’s not much, but it’s a great app that millions of people use. Messenger is currently the fastest growing app in the App Store, and the company has more than 1.3 billion monthly active users. Recent reports suggest that Facebook may be planning to shut down its Messenger app. If that happens, a lot of users will be left in the dark, and that could be a big problem for the social network. Not only will folks lose the ability to use their phone’s messaging app, but they’ll lose the ability to interact with their friends through Facebook’s social network.
Do I have to have Facebook to have messenger?
If you plan on using the popular instant messaging service, Facebook Messenger, you may have noticed that the app in for a redesign. For now, you can still access Messenger from the Facebook website, but the new interface is much different. When you open Messenger, it will look similar to this: But, if you try the new version, it will instead look like this: The new Messenger is more streamlined, while the current version is similar to the older version. If you want to try the new version, you will have to set up a new account and download a new app. This is a hassle for some, and if you don’t know how, you may not want to do it. You can have messenger without Facebook! You may have heard of a trend called “Messenger Without Facebook” where people, who don’t have a Facebook account, have begun using the popular messaging application to communicate with their friends and family. Many people wonder if Messenger Without Facebook is a good idea, especially since Facebook owns Messenger.