We live in a digital world and while this may offer us a number of advantages, the truth is that we may end up paying a very high price for the convenience we get from digital devices. Clearly, there are risk factors when we spend too much time on looking at digital screens. Over time, these devices can harm our eyes and lead to unwanted complications. However, this does not mean we should stop using these devices entirely. Read this article and see how blue glasses help.
Understanding the Problem

First off, we need to understand how the problem starts. It is not as if the manufacturers of digital devices want users to have problems with their sight. Many of these devices come with safety measures. The problem lies in the way many people use these devices. Another problem is the amount of time people spend looking at digital devices.
For instance, if you spend more than two hours on your smart phone every day, that is way too much. You get home after office hours and you spend another four hours watching TV, that is far too much television time. At work, you use your PC for at least four hours during the working day. Put all these together and you are looking at ten hours per day on digital devices. The thing is that while some form of digital usage may be unavoidable, there are things you can do to protect your eyes from damage.
Why Blue Light is a Problem
Most digital devices emit high-energy blue light. This light reaches deep into the eye, and it can cause eye strain. In addition, using these devices can lead to macular degeneration and this means you might lose your sight as you get older. Another problem with blue light is that it can lead to eye strain. When your eyes are strained from looking at the computer or the smart phone, the results include dry eyes, sore eyes, irritated eyes and headaches and even fatigued facial muscles from all that squinting at the screen.
Another problem with blue light is that exposure to this form of light interferes with your normal sleep patterns. If you are not sleeping well, you are likely to develop other medical complications which are more serious than eye damage. It follows that you need to limit your exposure to blue light or take active steps to protect your eyes even as you continue to enjoy digital devices.
Blue Light and Pre-Existing Refractive Conditions

One thing about blue light is that apart from causing fresh problems, it might also worsen already existing refractive conditions. For instance, if you already have nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness or presbyopia, spending long hours on blue light emitting devices may worsen the condition. Again, people who are battling with glaucoma or cataracts will do well to avoid exposure to blue light.
Blue Light and Paediatric Dry Eye Disease
The adult users of digital devices are not the only people at risk of developing problems with their vision. Children who spend long hours on the computer or smart phone run the risk of pediatric dry eye disease. This is because exposure to digital gadgets results in a lower blink rate. The result is that the eyes are not properly lubricated, and this causes dry eyes with all the inconveniences that go with it.
Now, we have spent so much time talking about the dangers of blue light in this article. One would think that the best course of action at this point is to stay away completely from all blue light emitting devices. However, this extreme measure may not be the perfect solution. Just buy and wear blue glasses to protect your eyes and take a few other sensible steps and the problem is solved. Below are some benefits of using blue glasses.
Reduces Eye Strain
Wearing blue glasses is great for you in the sense that these glasses reduce glare. Another benefit is that blue glasses help to increase contrast on your screen. The result is that it makes it easier for you to focus on the screen and this reduces eye strain.
Reduces Eye Diseases

The human eye is not naturally equipped to deal with blue light. This is why exposure to this form of light is a huge problem. Constant exposure to blue light may lead to blurred vision, macular degeneration and even blindness in extreme cases. Wearing blue glasses protects your eyes in the sense that this light will not penetrate the eyes and cause damage. In effect, blue glasses serve as a blocking device, and this is why they are highly recommended by eye experts across the globe.
Improves Your Sleep Cycle
Using devices that emit blue light interferes with your body’s natural rhythm. The blue light tricks your body into believing it is not yet bedtime and this can cause insomnia. You can solve this problem by wearing your blue glasses so that you can sleep well at night.
Prevents Headaches and Migraines
People who spend many hours on smart devices sometimes experience headaches, migraines, nausea, light sensitivity and other inconvenient conditions. Blue glasses can solve most of these problems because these glasses come with precision-tinted lenses. In effect, these glasses filter out unwanted light and this protects your eyes and spares you all the inconveniences above.
Other Smart Ideas

Protecting your eyes is not all about using blue glasses. You can protect your eyes from blue light by taking a number of sensible steps. For instance, you can cut down on the number of hours you spend on the phone, the computer and the TV screen. Another smart move is to take a break from your smart devices after every 20-30 minutes. This gives your eyes time to rest. Finally, you should make a conscious effort to blink regularly because this will combat dry eyes.
There are definitely hazards when you use digital devices like smart phones, tablets and laptop computers. However, you don’t have to let these devices harm your eyes. Take some of the steps recommended in this article and you will protect your eyes.