
Nutrition in the First One Thousand Days of a Baby’s Life

The first thousands of lives of every kid are quite important since it is a time of active development when a child learns so many things such as drink, eat, talk, listen, crawl, walk, think, analyze, and much more. The main task of every parent is to support a baby with energy by feeding it well.

While adults manage to control their diet, a kid is not able to do it on its own. Proper feeding influences not only saturation but also the growth, happiness, and health of babies. As well as taste preferences, and good metabolism in the future. This article has all the necessary information about feeding kids for the first thousand days of life.

Fats, proteins, carbohydrates

It’s a well-known fact that protein is one of the main components responsible for growth and development. It helps build the cells and tissues of the body. A lack of protein affects the entire body of a baby causing the slowing down of growth, disrupting the formation of the skeleton, muscles, teeth.

Milk and vegetable fats are the sources of energy and vitamins that also take part in the construction of the cell frame. Carbohydrates serve as energy suppliers for the work of muscles and other organs.

Stage 1. First 182 days of life


All parents in the world know that breast milk is the only proper feeding for newborns. The World Health Organization experts’ opinion stands for starting breastfeeding in the first hours after birth. Some believe that it’s needed to supplement breast milk with water, however, it’s not true. Mother’s milk has proteins, fats as well as lactose, which are part of the carbohydrates necessary for an infant. The most important is protein because in its content there are all the essential amino acids. In breast milk, it averages about one gram per hundred milliliters which is the ideal amount for health and easy absorption by the body. Excess protein in a baby’s diet can lead to metabolic disorders and obesity.

Sometimes breastfeeding is not possible due to some restrictions or contraindications. These days, the adapted baby formula comes to the rescue. In milk formula, the amount of protein is close to the level of breast milk, and also it contains all the essential amino acids in the optimal amount. Just make sure you go with a high quality brand such as kabrita goat milk – to ensure the formula is held to the highest European infant nutrition standards.

Stage 2. First 365 days of life

Everything is quite clear until 6 months, but how and when to start feeding up? WHO recommends starting complementary food at the age of six months. According to leading experts and babybottles website, complementary foods should be started from vegetables, then supplied with meat and cereals, then dairy products and fruits. All products are introduced gradually.  Among the allowed vegetables are zucchini and cauliflower. You can try rice and corn as well as some sort of meat. At this period, it’s a time when the feeding habits are formed, so you have to be careful with sweetens. If you want your kid to have some tasty feeding, you can try baby puree pouches. Holle pouches are the best varieties of tasty organic fruit and vegetable purees especially loved by kids at the age of 6 and 8 months.

Starting the complementary feeding

  • such products should be given before breastfeeding
  • each type of product should be introduced gradually, starting with a small amount (10-15g) and increasing it within 7-10 days
  • do not feed a kid with two or more new dishes at the same time
  • complementary food should be homogeneous by consistency and not cause difficulty in swallowing
  • the number of feedings is reduced to 5 times, then to 3 main and 2 snacks when starting complementary food
  • the temperature of meals should be equal to that of breast milk

Stage 3. First 730 days of life

It’s recommended to save breastfeeding up to 2 years old according to the World Health Organization. Breast milk or an adapted formula will continue to supply a child with the necessary trace elements and other nutrients, strengthening the immune system, supporting the digestive system, and other important functions of the body. However, they become only additions to the main dishes. Experts recommend a balanced 5 meals a day for children and give breasts or formula before bedtime.

Proteins are still extremely important for the whole organism. They are found in vegetables, meat, dairy products, as well as in breast milk or an adapted formula in which the amount of protein is as close as possible to age-related needs. Cow milk is not recommended to be introduced into the diet of children before the age of 3, because it is a difficult product for the child’s body to digest, and can also cause allergic reactions.

Fats and carbohydrates will enter the organism along with the main food. Fats are usually vegetable corn or olive oil. Be sure a child at the age of 1-2 years receives about 36g of protein, 40g of fat, and 174g of carbohydrates daily. Diversity is the second main postulate. You need to change the type of porridge, fruits, vegetables, meat, or fish every time a baby has meals. Consider the taste preferences of a child, including its favorite dishes on the menu.

Stage 4. The next 270 days of life


By the age of two years, a child has usually tasted almost all the basic foods. On average, about 20 deciduous teeth and there is no need to crush food. However, it doesn’t mean that a baby can eat everything. All meals should also be as nutritious as possible. At this age, a kid should adhere to regular 4 meals a day. It’s still needed to have vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, pasta, cereals, and dairy products as the main diet. Experts recommend that a child receive 42g of protein daily(most of which is of animal origin), 47g of fat(including vegetable origin), and about 200g of carbohydrates.

Besides, you can try to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner together with a child so that it will see what you eat and repeat everything after you. Try delicious, healthy food and your little one will form a habit of a healthy lifestyle for life.

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