
Aim for the Sky With Your Dreams, Not Drugs

Holistic healing techniques have become quite popular among doctors and addiction treatment specialists because of their effectiveness. Check this out. The usefulness of these techniques has been proved by the results they have shown and the help they have provided in healing the patients of not only substance addiction but countless more who have suffered mental or physical injuries. Some of these are carried out through exercises like barre, yoga or personal training, etc. while some others are said to heal the energy flowing inside our bodies like acupressure and reiki, etc.

1. Acupressure


The roots of acupressure are found to be in ancient China. It is a kind of energy healing technique because the Chinese believed that there is a network of energy flowing in the human body and various points called acupoints connect the body parts together and create a balance. The main practice of this technique is that a certain amount of pressure is applied on these specific points but unlike acupuncture, needles are not used to puncture the skin. Its effects can range from releasing muscle tension to relieving headaches or pain in various body parts. To take an example, the acupoint for relieving a headache is present in the person’s foot. This ancient technique is still used today, especially in the treatment of drug addicts as one of the methods of holistic healing therapy.

2. Barre

The Barre workout technique is inspired by ballet dancing steps. People usually do barre as a group workout activity and it contains low impact exercises that are easy enough that it is suitable for almost all age groups. Some of the benefits of this technique are that it makes the body more flexible, stable, improves balance, and even restores kinetic acuity. Barre exercises may include strength training and Pilates, etc.

3. Medication


Medication is one of the most common and necessary parts of a healing process whether the malady is physical, mental, or psychological. So, for the treatment of substance or alcohol abuse, medication is also used to help the patient especially when he is going through detox and facing withdrawal symptoms. At the time, he may need medications that help him relax, fight nausea, fatigue, and headaches, etc. Despite the fact that medication is helpful, it is important to remember that sometimes, people get addicted to prescription drugs as well, especially painkillers. Their long-term usage will render their effect useless causing the patient to increase the dosage over time, and eventually, he will become addicted..

So, for the treatment of substance or alcohol abuse, medication is also used to help the patient especially when he is going through detox and facing withdrawal symptoms. At the time, he may need medications that help him relax, fight nausea, fatigue, and headaches, etc. Despite the fact that medication is helpful, it is important to remember that sometimes, people get addicted to prescription drugs as well, especially painkillers. Their long-term usage will render their effect useless causing the patient to increase the dosage over time, and eventually, he will become addicted.

4. Yoga

The roots of Yoga are from India and the techniques included in this method are also suitable for all age groups. Its benefits are not only physical but also provide mental peace. Its breathing techniques as well as specific postures make the body more flexible and stable. Sometimes doctors suggest yoga to patients who have suffered from an injury or have had surgery because yoga helps the body in healing sooner than it would have healed without some form of low-impact exercise. For example, people who suffer from pain in their lower back region can benefit a lot from the cat-cow pose used in yoga. Moreover, there is a belief that a bond can be created between the physical and spiritual aspects of the human body. Suffice to say, yoga is quite beneficial and helps to heal the body physically, mentally, and even spiritually. Yoga rapidly gained popularity due to its effectiveness.

5. Meditation


Meditation helps a person to separate his inner self from the present situation so that he can focus on a higher purpose or a long-term goal. His mind and inner self are relaxed in such a way that the external stimuli are eliminated from his conscious mind. This state of consciousness can help with anxiety and stress, not to mention improve the quality of the person’s life. The person also learns to maintain a specific space between his inner self and his instinctive emotions or reactions, as a result of which his skill of making decisions is improved. Meditations also improve erratic eating and sleeping habits and attention span. Furthermore, it may improve his mood swings.

6. Reiki

Reiki is another technique that deals with healing energy. It is said to have been originated in Japan and the common belief regarding this method is that a human body has a network of energy that keeps flowing throughout the body unless an external physical injury or any emotional trauma happens, in which case, the energy becomes static at the injured area. To heal this, a reiki practitioner holds his hand over the injured part and universal energy flows through his hand to the patient’s body, healing his energy flow. As a result, energy is no longer static and starts flowing properly again. Reiki is considered effective in healing psychological and emotional pain.

7. Personal training


In personal training, an exercise and diet plan is created by the patient’s personal trainer and after following them, the patient can feel visible and surprising changes in his body. His body strength, stability, and flexibility will be especially improved. Moreover, a good exercise plan with the combination of a balanced diet will help tone his muscles and body into a perfect shape. Doing exercise daily and taking meals at a proper time will also set up a balanced routine in his life which may help him to get rid of his habitual drinking habits. Furthermore, these exercises improve mental health considerably and as a result of having both a sound body and a sound mind, the patient’s overall health will automatically improve.

8. Mindfulness

In contrast to meditation, mindfulness helps a person become highly self-aware in addition to being aware of his surroundings. Even if a person is engaged in a task, he has to maintain self-awareness in mindfulness.

Resultantly, he becomes so familiar with all of his emotions and sensations that he even learns to communicate better with others as well as express himself more eloquently and engage in effective communication with his peers.

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